▽Interaction-Design.org - A site about HCI, Usability, UI Design, User Experience, Information Architecture and more.. ●12/21 14:52 Affordances: Designing Intuitive User InterfacesAffordances: Designing Intuitive User InterfacesDynamic User Experience: Design and UsabilityDynamic User Experience: Design and Usability0-53-22Mobile UI DesignMobile UI Design0-53-22Design for a Better World with Don NormanDesign for a Better World with Don Norman0-53-22182,926 members (and counting) have advanced their careers wit
▽Wired News: ●12/14 17:31 Don't Look UpThe New Jersey Drone Mystery May Not Actually Be That MysteriousA flurry of drone sightings across New Jersey and New York has sparked national intrigue and US government responses. But experts are pouring cold water on America’s hottest new conspiracy theory.Lily Hay NewmanTips for ChatGPT’s Voice Mode? Best AI Uses for Retirees? Our Expert Answers Your QuestionsReece RogersSom
▽Don Norman’s jnd.org / user advocacy and human-centered design ●12/04 17:39 The Don Norman Design Award and Summit (DNDA24)I am delighted to announce that the 2024 Don Norman Design Award and Summit (DNDA24) has concluded with an exciting, emotional, and educational Summit on November 14 and 15, 2024. The 2025 DNDA25 Summit will be held in Singapore. See more at https://jnd.org/about-don-norman/latest-updates/