▽TFJ’s Sidewalk Cafe: Conversation Room ●01/02 21:42 [4231] 嶋田 丈裕 <tfj(at)kt.rim.or.jp>- 小杉町, 川崎市, Tue Dec 31 12:51:45 202427日は昼に白金台で展覧会を観た後、渋谷円山町へ移動。この映画を観てしました。Cin〓ma Laika『キノ・ライカ 小さな町の映画館』2023 / 43e Parall〓le Productions (FR), Les Films du Woso (FR) / colour / 81 min.un film du Veljko Vidak.avec Aki Kaurism〓ki, Mika Latti, Les habitants de Karkkila Finlande,avec la perticipation exceptionnelle de Jim Jarmusch et Amy Taubin.ヘルシンキから車で1時間、人
▽Open Culture ●01/02 21:19 The Scene That Reveals the Beauty of Classic Hollywood Cinemain Film | January 2nd, 20251939 is widely considered the greatest year in Hollywood history. Back then, writes 1939: The Year in Movies author Tom Flannery, the so-called “Big Eight” major American studios “had a combined 590 actors, 114 directors and 340 writers under contract, each of whom worked an eight-hour s