▽Christoph’s page - Home ●11/26 04:43 The Eastern Alps (new version)View of the eastern Alps from southeast covering parts of Croatia, Slovenia, Austria, Italy, Germany and Switzerland. Uses data copyright... [more]MadagascarThe island of Madagascar is the fourth largest island on Earth and due to its long time isolation from the African continent in the background home... [more]
▽HALLUCINO ●11/15 02:13 Questions?+1-303-893-0552Captcha security checkmaxuser.com is for salePlease prove you're not a robotView Price ProcessingDedicated to customer care〓 HugeDomains.com. All rights reserved.
▽POV-Ray - The Persistence of Vision Raytracer ●11/08 05:03 Development Status (November 2024)After a long break in releases of 3.8 beta test candidates, development is resuming, though not at the pace of past releases. That said, we hope to have a 3.8 release ready before the end of the year.One impediment we have yet to overcome is code signing for the Windows platform. Currently we have no means of doing so as our previous key has expired. The difficu