▽Miranda Instant Messenger ●02/06 01:41 Spotlight on Prostate CancerOvercoming Challenges in Prostate Cancer CareLearn about the barriers you may face during prostate cancer treatment and discover strategies to overcome them.Spotlight on Age-Related Macular DegenerationAge-Related Macular Degeneration and Daily LifeFind out how to ke
▽セキュリティホール memo ●02/05 18:41 ■ 2025.02.05》 Approach for Reagan National’s Runway 33 is within feet of helicopter corridor (Washington Post, 2/4)。うひゃあ、これはひどい。 ヘリコプター用の回廊 (Route 4、上限 200ft) と Runway 33 着陸進入機との間にはたった 15ft しかないと。 そりゃ事故るわ。》 Ending Support for Expiration Notification Emails (Let's encrypt, 1/22)。有