▽Zenphoto » Download ●10/26 10:09 tinymce (extensions)Third party theme: Paradigm 2.0 released (news)
▽Coppermine Photo Gallery ●08/24 03:54 cpg1.6.26+ 21 February 2024The Coppermine development team is proud to present the latest version of the gallery. ron4mac has put a lot of time into the 1.6.x line. Now with an easy upgrad tool and full PHP 8.2 support, now is the time to upgrade.[more]
▽Phormer, the PHP without MySQL PhotoGallery Manager ●02/11 05:38 Project's Home at sf.net (Since 2007)Project's Home at GitHub (Since 2017)Download Phormer 3.35 Now! [190KB]7th Feb 2024: Phormer 3.35 is out, after 17 years!(Support for PHP 8, Fix security issued)13th Jan 2007: Phormer 3.31 is just released! SlideShow, BulkAdd and adminPass revisited!8th Jan 2007: Phormer 3.30 is finally released! Mass Upload, SlideShow, Help and more!15th Sep 2006: Phorme