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  1. 2024/05/08 09:04:09 washingtonpost.com - nation, world, technology and Washington area news and headlines
  2. 2024/05/08 07:35:46 CNN.com - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News
  3. 2024/05/08 06:29:07 The New York Times - Breaking News, World News & Multimedia
  4. 2024/05/08 04:39:18 ZAKZAK
  5. 2024/05/08 04:39:11 YOMIURI ON-LINE
  6. 2024/05/08 01:15:54 新潟日報
  7. 2024/05/07 19:09:18 アサヒ・コム
  8. 2024/05/07 18:52:00 CNN.co.jp
  9. 2024/05/07 14:00:27 毎日jp - 毎日新聞のニュース・情報サイト
  10. 2024/05/06 06:39:43 NIKKEI NET
  11. 2024/04/24 15:40:35 KYODO NEWS
  12. 2024/01/23 22:02:11 BBC NEWS | News Front Page
  13. 2024/01/16 17:13:31 New Zealand, world, sport, business & entertainment news on Stuff.co.nz
  14. 2020/10/08 18:13:55 NZ Herald - The Latest New Zealand, World, Business, Sport and Entertainment News
  15. 2018/12/26 19:29:03 News from The Associated Press
  16. 2015/10/15 15:28:53 MSN産経ニュース
  17. 2012/04/02 00:44:34 エキサイトニュース