▽Os Loucos Underground ●12/27 10:22 Sal〓rio m〓nimo deve subir para R$ 1.518 em janeiro com nova regraValor representa alta de R$ 106; previs〓o 〓 que Lula baixe o decreto at〓 o fim do anoSilveira foi at〓 em shopping ao violar condicional; Moraes quer explica〓〓oLira diz que houve acordo sobre emendas e que vai dar explica〓〓es a DinoPF ouvir〓 4 parlamentares sobre manobra para liberar R$ 4,2 bilh〓esMERCADO DA BOLABar〓a mira joia
▽natalie dee ●12/27 10:03 Comic #1290: oldfishComic #2976: 85 dollars worth of socksComic #95: a toastComic #2363: hellComic #2599: just so its not my hole i dont care where you liveComic #3345: damn give it a break alreadyComic #3296: about 8000000 people are very concerned about my dogs fictional scenariosComic #3859: AW sounds like a real cool fun planComic #2660: do you like me no or noComic #4169: youre not d
▽- A P O L I T E W I N T E R - ●12/27 01:45 2Arlo Parks Lets the World in on Her ‘Joy and Pain and Confusion’February 2, 20232Arlo Parks Lets the World in on Her ‘Joy and Pain and Confusion’February 2, 2023