▽Ruminations of a Programmer ●12/04 20:39 You can view monads as containers or as computations . Isn't this confusing enough ? To a programmer, the biggest scare with the name ...
▽Scala Blog ●11/24 11:57 Instagram November 21, 2024How to Change Instagram Notification SoundWondering how to change the Instagram notification sound? Don’t worry. We’ve got you covered. Listening to the same notification sound can be boring, so you might want to switch to a different notification sound to spice things up. The good news is you can always change your Instagram…Read More
▽James Strachan’s Blog ●11/14 00:45 Monday, 24 November 2014Thursday, 8 May 2014Saturday, 8 February 2014Wednesday, 4 December 2013Wednesday, 20 November 2013Thursday, 10 October 2013Thursday, 13 June 2013Wednesday, 17 October 2012Wednesday, 27 June 2012Monday, 14 November 2011Saturday, 10 September 2011Friday, 17 June 2011