Security Alert のアンテナ



●12/27 09:45
Name Collision of the Year: VectorElizabeth Garrett Christensen2024-12-26CNPG Recipe 16 - Balancing Data Durability and Self-Healing with Synchronous RepGabriele Bartolini2024-12-26PG Day Chicago 2025 – the CfP is open – please submit!Henrietta Dombrovskaya2024-12-25

セキュリティホール memo
●12/26 23:41
■ 2024.12.26》 中居正広「9000万円女性トラブル」の衝撃…被災地寄付、独立記者会見で築いてきた“誠実対応”イメージ完全崩壊の危機 (SmartFLASH, 12/26)【スクープ】中居正広が女性との間に重大トラブル、巨額の解決金を支払う 重病から復帰後の会食で深刻な問題が発生 (NEWS ポストセブン, 12/20)中居正広 高額示談金トラブル 女性側、当初から性被害主張 (スポニチアネックス, 12/25)。勤務先 = フジテレビ。トラブルの内容は女性が中居から性被害を受けたと主張していることが、25日までに本紙の取材で分かった。(中略) 本紙の取材では女性は「被害に遭った」と主張する内容を勤務先にも報告している。実際に性被害があったかどうかについては、中居と女性しかいない状況下での出来事のため分からないが、中居はその後、代理人を立てて話し合い、示談金を支

The Perl Directory - perl.org
●12/26 12:05
What's new on CPAN - November 2024

Redhat AS4 Errata
●12/22 09:04
What is InstructLab?What are cloud services?What is hybrid cloud?Why build a Red Hat cloud?Cloud vs. edgeWhat is Linux?

BIND - Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.
●12/21 22:44
Why Most People Haven't Heard of the DNS Root Server SystemAt the ICANN 81 meeting in Istanbul on 10 November 2024, I gave a presentation about the DNS Root Server System, in an effort to increase understanding of the Root Server System (RSS) and Root Server Operators (RSOs).Read

RedHat AS 3 Errata
●12/21 10:34
What is InstructLab?What are cloud services?What is hybrid cloud?Why build a Red Hat cloud?Cloud vs. edgeWhat is Linux?

RedHat AS 2.1 Errata
●12/20 23:19
What is InstructLab?What are cloud services?What is hybrid cloud?Why build a Red Hat cloud?Cloud vs. edgeWhat is Linux?

The ProFTPD Project
●12/13 06:01
Copyright 〓 1999 - 2024, The ProFTPD Project.1.3.9rc3, 1.3.8c released[11/Dec/2024]The ProFTPD Project team is glad to announce the availability of1.3.9rc3 to the community. This is the third release candidate of the 1.3.9development cycle, containing security and other bugfixes. The RELEASE_NOTES and NEWS files, as always, have the fulldetails.The ProFTPD Project team has also released 1

The Jakarta Site - Apache Tomcat
●12/12 15:21
2024-12-09 Tomcat 10.1.34 ReleasedThe Apache Tomcat Project is proud to announce the release of version 10.1.34of Apache Tomcat. This release implements specifications that are part of theJakarta EE 10 platform.Applications that run on Tomcat 9 and earlier will not run on Tomcat 10without changes. Java EE based applications designed for Tomcat 9 and earliermay be placed in the $CATALINA_BASE

OpenSSL: The Open Source toolkit for SSL/TLS
●11/28 13:50
“We believe everyone should have access to security and privacy tools,whoever they are, wherever they are or whatever their personal beliefsare, as a fundamental human right.”




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