▽Research [OCLC] ●03/01 14:47 25 March 2025Product Insights: WorldCat URI Workflows (Americas West)In this 60-minute Metadata Managers product insight session, we'll meet with Jeff Mixter, Senior Product Manager, to learn about OCLC URIs in WorldCat records and how to use them in OCLC cataloging applications and WorldCat APIs. [Participants must be current members of the RLP Metadata Managers Focus Group]Time: 12:00 PM – 1:
▽JISC - The Joint Information Systems Committee ●02/26 19:58 Advice and guidanceGuides, training and consultancyArtificial intelligenceEmbrace AI with confidenceLibraries and learning resourcesSupporting research, teaching and learningLicensing and procurementAffordable digital content for educationProcurement frameworks and DPSApproved agreements to save time and moneyResearch managementEmpowering innovation and efficiencyBeyond the Technology:
▽Open Access Japan ●02/25 17:55 Ask not what Open Access can do for you. Ask what you can do for Open AccessOpen Access Japan | オープンアクセスジャパンOpen Access Japan | オープンアクセスジャパンOpen Access Japan大学ランキング2015朝日新聞出版から大学ランキング2015が刊行されており,学術情報関連では,以下の項目が掲載されています。今年は,エルゼビア研究業績ランキングなるものが新設(名称変更?)されています(抄録・引用文献ランキングの名称変更?)。30.大学図書館ランキング平野浩(学習院大学法学部教授、図書館長)31.機関リポジトリランキング前田信治 (大阪大学附属図書館吹田地区図書館サービス課専門職員)59.トムソン・ロイター 高被引用論文ランキング古林奈保子(
▽Digital Library Federation ●02/05 04:09 DLF Digest: February 2025A monthly round-up of news, upcoming working group meetings and events, and CLIR program updates from the Digital Library Federation. See all past Digests here.Read More »February 4, 2025