▽Talking Points Memo: by Joshua Micah Marshall ●11/22 12:42 1h agoNovember 21, 2024My Kingdom for Some Scorecardsby Josh MarshallI’ve been thinking about this since the day after the election and been going back and forth on whether to say someone else should do it or just do it myself. Still not sure which but here goes. It would be very beneficial for Democrats to create scorecards right now charting where inflation, unemployment and GDP were at the e
▽Boing Boing: A Directory of Wonderful Things ●11/22 04:35 politics Junior Trump's mysterious pocket-to-mouth moment steals SpaceX spotlight Ellsworth Tooheypolitics MAGA Indiana commissioner sexually assaulted daughter in Vegas, wins from jail anyway Ellsworth Tooheycriminal justice reform Freedom-hating Texas Attorney General sues Dallas for voter-approved measure to end pot arrests Ellsworth Tooheypolitics MTG attempts to one up Nancy Mace in attent