▽RubyFlow : Community Filtered Ruby News ●02/11 04:06 TodayUnit tests in Trailblazer: less code, more coverage.Testing operations in Trailblazer is now much simpler, as we released the trailblazer-test gem. The blog post explains the basics around asserting a successful operation and testing failing ones, mocking steps and how we improved the developer experience.Nick Sutterer TodayLeave a comment here
▽InfoWorld Homepage ●07/09 03:13 What’s new in MySQL 9.0ECMAScript 2024 JavaScript standard approvedIntro to multithreaded JavaScriptResearchers reveal flaws in AI agent benchmarkingPrinceton University researchers suggest fixes for common issues in benchmarking methods.Lynn Greiner|8 reasons developers love Go—and 8 reasons they don'tLike all great languages, Golang has its fans and critics. Turns out, some of the reason