▽はてなダイアリー - ABAの日誌 ●11/07 03:42 2024-11-05私の心を揺さぶったプログラミング言語'Programming Languages That Blew My Mind'というブログ記事で、8歳からプログラマーとして活動しているDavid Tellerさんが、人生で出会った革新的なプログラミング言語について紹介している。BASICA language designed to make programming simple.Mind blown: Programming my own games!Mind blown: Arrays (or DIM, as they were called)!Mind blown: GOTO!Mind blown: GOSUB!Original, line-based, Basic is dead, but its legacy lives on in VB.Net, V
▽OGRE :: Object-oriented Graphics Rendering Engine ●10/16 17:30 Ogre-Next 3.0.0 Eris releasedby Matias Goldberg | Oct 16, 2024It's been 2 years since 2.3.0 and almost a year since the last 2.3.x release. It's about time for 3.0.0! Ogre to OgreNext name migration We're trying to make OgreNext and Ogre able to be installed side-by-side. The details can be found in the manual.But the short...
▽ゲーム開発系ニュース@ゲムデブ ●06/13 14:31 NewsReviewsModsGuidesUpcoming GamesStaffPrivacy PolicyContact UsFacebookYouTubeTwitter168〓速赛车历史开奖结果-一分钟〓速赛车开奖直播号码查询官网结果记录历史-〓速赛车车开奖历史记录查询 PC Game Reviews, News, Mods & VideosNewsReviewsModsGuidesUpcomingMoreStaffPrivacy PolicyContact UsFacebookYouTubeTwitterLatest storiesManor Lords Early Access Review〓速赛车开奖官网开奖记录 A cozy but harsh life.Godsworn Early Access...Dragon's D