▽インディ・ジョーンズ Indiana Jones ≪ CINEMAticRoom ●12/14 15:40 2024/12/13(Fri) 入手が難しそうだったLPレコードですが、amazon等でも安定的に入手できるようになったようで。「Indiana Jones Complete Vinyl Collection」の取扱いもあり、現在の価格:44,309円。ちなみに、先週:約39,000円、先々週:約26,000円でした(うろ覚え)。先々週は、ブラックフライデーだったのかな。一番の買い時でしたね。Arkさんは変わらず、75,900円の価格設定。魔宮も聖戦も、今なら6,000円弱で入手可能です。・Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark [Analog] (amazon)・Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom [Analog] (amazon)・Indiana Jones and the Last
▽Genesis New Design ●12/08 13:57 In Genesis’ incredible body of work, ‘The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway’ is a landmark record, and one of the most influential progressive rock albums of all time. Originally released in November 1974, ‘The Lamb’ is celebrating its 50th Anniversary with 5LP + Blu-ray and 4CD + Blu-ray Super Deluxe editions. This definitive compendium was created with input from all band members involved in the record