▽Class-based Kernel Resource Management ●08/01 11:58 Join/LoginOpen Source SoftwareBusiness SoftwareFor VendorsBlogAboutMoreArticlesCreateLearnSourceForge PodcastSite DocumentationSubscribe to our NewsletterSupport RequestFor Vendors Help Create Join LoginOpen Source SoftwareBusiness SoftwareArticlesCase StudiesLearnBlogSourceForge PodcastMenuHelpCreateJoinLoginHomeBrowse Open SourceSystemSystems AdministrationClass ba
▽Live Patching for Linux ●12/15 06:00 Pannus Intro: what? Pannus solves a requirement of the OSDL’s Carrier Grade Linux 3.2 specification, which enables Linux to patch process without eliminating process (named “live patch” in OSDL CGL requirement definition). This is very common function on teleco area, and realized by overwriting each function’s entry point with ”jmp” assembly code. Pannus is kernel patch, library and to