


Boing Boing: A Directory of Wonderful Things
●03/14 01:22
No basement The San Antonio zoo just unlocked a 300-year-old Alamo mystery Jason WeisbergerScience A round of applause for scientists who solved the mystery of clapping Allan Rose Hillmusic industry Record labels attempt to bankrupt Internet Archive over grandpa's dusty old 78s Ellsworth Tooheypolitics Gavin Newsom's new podcast is political suicide (video) Jason WeisbergerTrump 2.0 Sen. Tuber

Scripting News: 11/20/2003
●03/13 17:17
Wednesday, March 12, 2025Today's song: Starting Over.#Highly recommend this week's New Yorker Radio Hour interview with Stephen Kotkin of Stanford. He's an expert on Russian history, biographer of Stalin, he talks about what Trump is doing, and as I listened I realized we have not filled in how crazy or challenged the leaders of the other huge powers are. Trump apparently is not an outlier. Puti

Wired News
●03/13 15:04
Toxic TraitsThe Violent Rise of ‘No Lives Matter’“No Lives Matter” has emerged in recent months as a particularly violent splinter group within the extremist crime network known as Com and 764, and experts are at a loss for how to stop its spread.Ali WinstonAIDemocrats Demand Answers on DOGE's Use of AIDell CameronEverything's ComputerDonald Trump Bought a $90,000 Tesla With 37 Recall Noti

スラッシュドット ジャパン: アレゲなニュースと雑談サイト
●03/12 12:33
雑談用ストーリー [4] 1180

Joho the Blog
●03/12 10:58
March 9, 2025What does an itch feel like?Does an itch have any feeling left if you subtract the urge to itch?The answer has to be no, I think, because once the itch is gone, there is not sensation left over.But an itch is nothing but (?) the urge to scratch.This makes itches quite peculiar.(No, I'm sober.I am just postponing doing some actual work.)TweetFollow meCategories: philosophy Dat




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