▽Boing Boing: A Directory of Wonderful Things ●03/12 13:21 Education Department crippled as Trump slashes half its staff Jason Weisberger"domestic terrorists" Donald Trump warns Tesla protestors: "You're going to go through hell" (video) Carla Sinclairpolitics Trump is playing chicken with the economy Jason Weisbergerfashion Official "This is Fine" socks Rob Beschizzadelightful creatures Golden retriever finds mud at the park — comes home as a chocola
▽B3TA : WE LOVE THE WEB ●03/11 19:50 (Captain Howdy, Mon 10 Mar, 15:11, 3 replies)(Octo, Sun 9 Mar, 20:27, 2 replies)Walter Sickert - Garlic Bread(HappyToast, Sun 9 Mar, 16:53, 3 replies)(Captain Howdy, Sat 8 Mar, 11:21, 1 replies)Magritte's The Selfie of Man(HappyToast, Sat 8 Mar, 10:47, 2 replies)(HappyToast, Sat 8 Mar, 7:33, 2 replies)"Mr Humphries, are you free?" "I'm not free!"(HappyToast, Fri 7 Mar, 19:29, 0 replies)H