▽B3TA : WE LOVE THE WEB ●12/27 04:44 Hope you all had a happy holidayand Santa brought you all lots of presentslinked to by buffet_the_appetite_slayer on 26th Dec at 1pmMaddoxMaddox has been rocking the web since '97 with his unique brand of arrogance and cynicism. He's recently broken out of the web ghetto to produce a book and enter the best sellers lists, so we thought it was high time to catch up and ask him the completely ir
▽Boing Boing: A Directory of Wonderful Things ●12/26 06:06 Boing Boing Gadgets Procrastinators, rejoice—give the gift of cheaper travel for just $49.97 Boing Boing's ShopBoing Boing Gadgets The freedom that comes with owning a $230 MacBook (that you won't get with expensive ones) Boing Boing's Shopmusic Afghan Whigs' Greg Dulli brings the darkness to "Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas" David Pescovitzpaleontology Meet Yana, the well-preserved 50,0