▽はてなアンテナ - tanakahidetomiのアンテナ ●12/22 03:03 2024/12/22 00:52:20 Calculated RiskSaturday, December 21, 2024Schedule for Week of December 22, 2024by Calculated Risk on 12/21/2024 08:11:00 AMHappy Holidays and Merry Christmas!The key economic report this week is November New Ho2024/12/22 00:44:28 The Undercover EconomistSaudi Arabia warned Germany about man held over Magdeburg attackWhatsApp wins legal victory against NSO Group in Pega
▽はてなアンテナ - ---サテメモ アンテナ ●12/22 02:04 2024/12/22 00:07:17 Boing BoingIn 1964, a dad's photo of his daughter captured a figure in a spacesuit — a mystery that still baffles Ellsworth Tooheygoogle Father of 2 young boys loses $5 million after falling for terrifying new2024/12/21 23:45:26 s t r i p【コメント募集中】goo blogスタッフの気になったニュース2024/12/21 23:15:45 Koreus.comLire la suite... | 1133 octets en plus | 18 commentairesLire la suite... |