▽PuTTY: a free telnet/ssh client ●12/22 19:44 2024-12-21 Pre-releases of 0.83 now availableWe're working towards a 0.83 release, containing bug fixes and minorfeatures compared to 0.82. Pre-release builds are available, and we'd appreciate people testingthem and reporting any issues.pre-releases of 0.83(last modified on Sat Dec 21 08:43:56 2024)
▽ SpamAssassin: Welcome to SpamAssassin ●03/30 22:55 2024-03-29: Apache SpamAssassin 4.0.1 has been released! This is a patch release that fixes issues that have surfaced since the release of 4.0.0. It provides compatability with the latest version of Perl, 5.38, which was released in July, 2023, as well as with recent release versions of some required Perl modules.2022-12-17: Apache SpamAssassin 4.0.0 has been released! This is a major upgrade