▽Weekly World News ●03/08 19:03 I’M MADDER THAN A HORNET IN A BEER CAN OVER THIS KIM KARDASHIAN BALLOON NONSENSE!March 7, 2025 by Ed AngerFolks, I’m so steamed up right now I could melt the paint off a battleship! They’ve gone and done it this time. Plopped a 60-foot Kim Kardashian balloon right smack in the middle of Times Square like it’s some kind of national treasure! I saw the pictures, and let me tell you, I nearly choke
▽ABC(アメリカン・バカコメディ)振興会 ●03/17 12:56 From This Place [Analog... ¥3,244 ¥3,189 THE BEATLES ¥1,850 When We All.. -Deluxe- ¥3,023 Forever Best 25th Anniv... ¥15,532