▽ Still Searching ●02/11 05:05 307,858WordPress.com で無料サイトやブログを作成.
▽ソフトアンテナ ●02/11 03:45 Ventoy ver 1.1.00→ 1.1.01 02/11 02:30レビューを読むブータブルUSBドライブを作成することができるオープンソースツール。Ventoy 1.1.01 releaseOptimization for VTOY_LINUX_REMOUNT implementation to support all Linux distros. Please refer NotesNow linux remount is supported by default. So VTOY_LINUX_REMOUNT option now is deprecated, we don't need it anymore. Please refer NotesWana boot and install OS through network (PXE)? Welcome to m