▽栗原 徹 ●01/16 10:20 Toru Kurihara, Shigeru Ando,``TV minimization of direct algebraic method of optical flow detection via modulated integral imaging using correlation image sensor,’’9th International Conference on Computer Vision, Theory and Applications(VISAPP), Vol.3, pp.705--710, Lisbon, Portugal, Jan.5-8, 2014.(2014/1/7) 魏大比, 栗原徹, 安藤繁, ``複素正弦波変調撮像に基づくオプティカルフロー推定,’’ パターン認識・メディア理解研究会(P-栗原徹, 清
▽真野 堅太郎 ●12/31 00:09 Posted by manoken at 01:09 │Comments(6) │TrackBack(0) 合格 (marukin) 合格 (manoken)