▽Welcome! - The Apache Software Foundation ●02/03 04:38 ASF Plus One Newsletter: January 2025The Apache Software Foundation Announces New Top-Level ProjectsFirst-Time ASF Contributors Share Technical Chops to Improve User ExperienceAvroPetriMADlibAvroA Serialization SystemPetriassessment of, education in, and adoption of the Foundation's policies and procedures for collaborative development and the pros and cons of joining the FoundationMADli
▽hsqldb at SourceForge.net ●10/26 00:09 25 October 2024 latest version 2.7.4Latest version 2.7.4 worksVersion 2.7.4October 2024. Version 2.7.4 of HyperSQL Database adds features from the latest SQL:2023 standard, including ANY_VALUE and LISTAGG aggregate functions and CAST with templates. Zip package at the download
▽@IT - アットマーク・アイティ ●06/05 00:25 最新のGitバージョンにアップグレードを推奨:生成AI市場の主戦場は「基盤モデル」から「開発プラットフォーム」へ? ITRが生成AI戦略に関する資料を公開Microsoft、「Windows Server 2025」のパブリックプレビュー版をリリース AIワークロード向けなど追加機能は?ITスキル不足が世界で約5.5兆ドルの損失を引き起こす IDC予測心配性エンジニアのジレンマ:スピード vs 完璧よいフォロワーでありたい
▽Pluto Welcome ●12/24 05:30 Last Published: 2023-12-21 | Home >Get Pluto 3.1.2Download Pluto 3.1.2Copyright 〓 2004–2023 Apache Software Foundation.