▽Estraier: a personal full-text search system ●11/23 21:16 Manage and optimise Google, Facebook and Microsoft Ads faster and gain a competitive advantage with our digital advertising platform.Smarter, more effective advertisingSlash the time it takes to manage and optimize your Google, Microsoft Advertising or Facebook Ads campaigns to just minutes a day.Adzooma's AI and machine learning based PPC platform offers stress free campaign management, state
▽SourceForge.net: Project Info - intel 855GM crt video out driver ●11/23 20:54 JS7 JobScheduler is an open source workload automation solution.JS7 offers cross-platform job execution, managed file transfer, complex no-code job dependencies and a real REST API.JS7 JobScheduler is an open source workload automation solution. It is used to run executable files, shell scripts etc. and database procedures.Learn More
▽SourceForge.net: AlphaMail ●11/23 20:17 Connect your teams with an integrated digital workplaceWherever your teams work, keep them connected with a digital workplace that unifies all your productivity tools in one central placeClaromentis provides a reliable and feature-rich business intranet software for modern organizations. Offering collaborative, social, knowledge-sharing, and enterprise-level applications, Claromentis' intranet p