▽Kent Beck blog ●03/09 21:09 6 mars 2025Pourquoi investir en SCPI est une strat〓gie int〓ressante pour diversifier son patrimoine ?Investir avec un capital mod〓r〓 comme 1000 euros constitue une 〓tape cruciale pour amorcer la diversification du patrimoine. 〓 l’heure o〓 les march〓s financiers …Lire la suiteH〓bergement e-commerce WordPress : les meilleures solutions pour WooCommerce6 mars 2025Choisir l’h〓bergement e-commerc
▽InfoQ ●03/04 02:13 Ashish Rajan shares a practical guide to working on zero trust, exploring where it fails even before it starts and where engineers should see quick wins. Surprisingly, the answer is not really DevSecOps.Secure AI-Powered Early Detection System for Medical Data Analysis & DiagnosisIn this article, author discusses the techniques for securing AI applications in healthcare with an use case of early
▽Radyology ●02/27 16:09 This is why we build software in the first place: It does things that hopefully create value (usually $$$). However, uses aren't necessarily valuable. Sometimes, we create uses that are valuable, but that value fades over time. Sometimes, we're just wrong about what's valuable, and what we create doesn't result in the value we hoped for. In these situations, we can consider removing some uses to r
▽Martin Fowler’s Bliki ●02/04 08:49 development processes, developed by Beth Andres-Beck and hir father Kent Beck.