▽InfoQ ●11/21 07:43 From Local to Production: A Modern Developer’s Journey Towards KubernetesUrvashi Mohnani discusses the full developer experience of writing an application, containerizing it locally, deploying it to a Kubernetes cluster, and debugging Kubernetes applications locally.Microsoft Introduces Local Emulator for Azure Service Bus Wanted by Developers for YearsSteef-Jan Wiggerson Nov 20High-Performan
▽Kent Beck blog ●11/19 03:37 Guide complet sur les offres d’assurance professionnelle pour les m〓tiers du digital18 novembre 2024Les m〓tiers du digital, tels que consultants, d〓veloppeurs et graphistes, jouent un r〓le cl〓 dans l’〓conomie moderne. Ces professions, bien qu’attrayantes, exposent leurs acteurs 〓 des risques professionnels sp〓cifiques. Les assurances professionnelles, notamment la Responsabilit〓 Civile Professio
▽Radyology ●04/27 03:53 Updated April 25th, 2023For years now, I've held the belief that effective automated test suites have four essential attributes. These attributes have been referenced by other authors, and were the subject of a talk I gave at the Agile 2009 conference. But I was shocked to discover (that is, remember) that the only place they are formally documented is in my Continuous Testing book [Pragmatic Boo