▽Google Blog ●11/20 18:11 [{"model": "blogsurvey.survey", "pk": 4, "fields": {"name": "Google Qualities", "survey_id": "google-qualities_241011", "scroll_depth_trigger": 50, "previous_survey": null, "display_rate": 90, "thank_message": "Thank you!", "thank_emoji": "✅", "questions": "[{\"id\": \"359feb17-0ba6-4993-9300-53c17a3b4fb8\", \"type\": \"simple_question\", \"value\": {\"question\": \"Which of the following qualitie
▽Google Sightseeing ●10/26 07:06 Today is Groundhog Day, a North American festival which reckons that "if a groundhog emerges from its burrow on this day and fails to see its shadow because the weather is cloudy, winter will soon end. If the groundhog sees…
▽Joel on Software ●01/28 04:02 January 27, 2022 by Joel SpolskyMaking the web better. With blocks!You’ve probably seen web editors based on the idea of blocks. I’m typing this in WordPress, which has a little + button that brings up a long… Read more “Making the web better. With blocks!”