▽OpenBeOS Project - Current News ●03/14 04:59 Odoo Business ApplicationsOdoo is a software suite to better manage and run your company.Odoo is a fully integrated, customizable, open-source software packed with hundreds of expertly designed business applications. Odoo’s intuitive database is able to meet a majority of business needs, such as: CRM, Sales, Project, Manufacturing, Inventory, and Accounting, just to name a few.Get Started
▽Mrxvt Home Page ●03/14 03:09 Build experiences that drive engagement and increase transactionsConnect your users - doctors, gamers, shoppers, or lovers - wherever they are.Sendbird's chat, voice, and video APIs power conversations and communities in hundreds of the most innovative apps and products. Sendbird’s feature-rich platform, and pre-fab UI components make developers more productive. We take care of a ton of operatio
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