▽Boing Boing: A Directory of Wonderful Things ●03/12 13:21 Education Department crippled as Trump slashes half its staff Jason Weisberger"domestic terrorists" Donald Trump warns Tesla protestors: "You're going to go through hell" (video) Carla Sinclairpolitics Trump is playing chicken with the economy Jason Weisbergerfashion Official "This is Fine" socks Rob Beschizzadelightful creatures Golden retriever finds mud at the park — comes home as a chocola
▽Strange New Products ●03/12 09:51 Health InsuranceParental ControlAnti Wrinkle CreamsContact Lens
▽Fleshbot ●03/12 09:40 Ancient Greek Date Night: An Experience Fit for the GodsEDITORIAL FEATURESMarch 11, 2025Sex Aftercare: The Key to Deeper Intimacy and Better OrgasmsMarch 11, 2025ARIANA LEVIHottest Moments from Gossip Girl!CELEBRITYMarch 10, 2025Ancient Greek Date Night: An Experience Fit for the GodsEDITORIAL FEATURESMarch 11, 2025ARIANA LEVISex Aftercare: The Key to Deeper Intimacy and Better Orgasm
▽Neatorama ●03/12 01:02 Lamborghini Offers a $5,000 StrollerMuch equipment should be purchased prior to the arrival of a baby in a home. A stroller is essential for parents on the go. And if you really want to set your baby apart from slower children, consider this luxurious, high-performance stroller by Italian supercar manufacturer Lamborghini.Fast Company tells us about the Reef AL Arancio on sale from babycare prod