▽libvirt: Releases ●11/22 18:54 qemu: Add support for hyperv enlightenment feature hv-emsr-bitmapIt is introduced since QEMU 7.10, allowing L0 (KVM) and L1 (Hyper-V)hypervisors to collaborate to avoid unnecessary updates to L2 MSR-Bitmapupon vmexits.qemu: Add support for hyperv enlightenment feature hv-xmm-inputIt is introduced since QEMU 7.10, allowing to pass parameters forcertain hypercalls using XMM registers (“XMM Fas
▽QEMU ●02/20 14:59 Jump to contentToggle sidebarSearchCreate accountMain PageMain PageDiscussionEnglishReadView sourceView historyMoreReadView sourceView historyFrom QEMUQEMU is a generic and open source machine emulator and virtualizer.When used as a machine emulator, QEMU can run OSes and programs made for one machine (e.g. an ARM board) on a different machine (e.g. your own PC). By using dynamic
▽Virtual Machine Manager: Download ●01/27 11:17 virt-managerReleases are curently GPG signed by Cole Robinson usinga key having the fingerprint:D8F5 BE72 9291 CC5E FE4B 4D09 6455 9E28 C21C C7A8 (4096R)virt-viewerVirt-viewer releases are curently GPG signed by Daniel P. Berrange usinga key having the fingerprint:virt-bootstrapContent, images & design 〓 the Virtual Machine Manager contributors; 2009-2024,