▽math.LO « What’s new ●11/22 10:22 Sam on 275A, Notes 4: The central lim…Anonymous on The elephant in the roomKKK on The elephant in the roomTom Copeland on The elephant in the roomAbout
▽Leiter Reports: A Group Blog ●11/22 01:31 Authoritarianism and Fascism Alerts (1921)The Academy (2443)72% of U.K. universities forecast to be running deficits by 2025-26Seriously. The list of redundancies and other budget cutting measures at UK universities is already long, and likely to get longer. Note that the list of redundancies includes many leading UK universities outside Oxbridge, and even some of the London colleges. Raisin
▽consequently.org ●11/21 15:28 What can we Mean? On Practices, Norms and Pluralisms (to appear in the Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society) Abstract PDF