▽The Nation | Unconventional Wisdom Since 1865 ●02/11 02:11 Resistance 2.0 Is Already a Systems Failure Resistance 2.0 Is Already a Systems FailureWith Trump back in the White House, the Democrats are floundering instead of fighting.Chris LehmannThis Is What Government by Electronic Plebescite Looks Like This Is What Government by Electronic Plebescite Looks LikeFeb 10, 2025 / Column / John GanzHow the “Subversive Genius” of Kendrick Lamar Sent Trump
▽Boing Boing: A Directory of Wonderful Things ●02/11 01:06 video games Reuters made a little cozy game to explain cozy games Gail Shermanvideos Hotline Miami spiritual successor looks beautifully brutal Grant St. ClairScience Bacteria found that feeds on toxic "forever chemicals" Gail Shermanapps New browser aims to help you browse mindfully Gail Shermanguns Watch Charles Mingus blow a hole in the roof of the apartment he's getting evicted from Natali
▽梟通信??ホンの戯言 ●02/10 09:53 2025年 02月 10日左利きの扇子けさのラジオで、左利きのための店を経営している人の話。駅の自動改札はともかく、扇子も左利きが必要だというのにはちょ...> k_hankichi..by saheizi-inokori at 09:30僕も左利きなので、いつも..by k_hankichi at 09:12> kogechator..by saheizi-inokori at 07:23> りんごさん、私も同じ..by saheizi-inokori at 07:21ブログ村へようこそ〜ラ..by kogechatora at 20:34ああ このひと時 この..by りんご at 20:34悟る 天気予報にもしかして、と...鬼無里会に思ったこと ブログ村というのに加入し...リルケとマラルメの本質追求 遅い朝飯、こんがり焼いた...喜多八(10