▽Commons - Commons ●02/10 02:44 Last Published: 08 February 2025BeanUtils 1.X Easy-to-use wrappers around the Java reflection and introspection APIs. 1.10.0 2025-01-07BeanUtils 2.X Easy-to-use wrappers around the Java reflection and introspection APIs. 2.0.0-M1 2025-01-07Daemon Alternative invocation mechanism for unix-daemon-like java code. 1.4.1 2025-01-14FileUpload2 File upload capability for your servlets and web applica
▽The Jakarta Site - Apache Tomcat ●01/23 14:16 2025-01-21 Tomcat Migration Tool for Jakarta EE 1.0.9 ReleasedThe Apache Tomcat Project is proud to announce the release of 1.0.9 of theApache Tomcat Migration Tool for Jakarta EE. This release contains a number ofbug fixes and improvements compared to version 1.0.8.The notable changes in this release are:Fix an issue that matchExcludesAgainstPathName didn't work for files. Based on a pul
▽Apache Ant - Welcome ●01/16 16:28 Apache Ivy 2.5.3December 23, 2024 - Apache Ivy 2.5.3 ReleasedApache Ivy 2.5.3 is now available for download as source or binary from https://ant.apache.org/ivy/download.cgi.Ivy 2.5.3 is a bug fix release, no new features have been added.