▽Institute for Historical Review ●03/29 09:48 Institute for Historical Review How Hitler Tackled UnemploymentMark WeberTo deal with the massive unemployment and economic paralysis of the Great Depression, both the US and German governments launched innovative and ambitious programs. Although President Franklin Roosevelt’s “New Deal” measures helped only marginally, the Third Reich’s much more focused and comprehensive policies proved remarkably effective. Within three yea
▽PRESS TV ●03/29 09:16 DEFENSEIran: Operation True Promise III against Israel will be stagedPOLITICSMillions march on Quds Day to support Palestinians amid Israeli genocidePALESTINEIsraeli spy agency asks African countries to take Gazans: ReportIsraeli spy agency asks African countries to take Gazans: Report34minIran: Operation True Promise III against Israel will be staged3hrVIDEO | International Quds Day3hrIs
▽Jeff Rense Program - Nationwide Radio And Global On The Internet ●03/29 09:09 Jeff Rense - Now TWO Stunning FilmsSHOWING German Flying Discs!The Up To 400 Billion Foreign DNA Fragments In EACHCovid Injection (Called ‘Contaminants’ By Some - WeBelieve Them To Be There Quite Intentionally) Pose AHUGE Integration Potential - These DNA Pieces RideWith LNP-Coated mRNA And Go Right Into Body CellsThe Sacred Human Genome Is Likely Being MassivelyIntegrated With 100s Of Bil