▽GameDev.net - all your game development needs ●12/21 23:10 Why AppUp? A Quick Review of the AppUp Model by Intel, posted 12/21/10 Intel introduces their solution for apps that extend beyond the realm of smart phones in this sponsored article P R O G R A M M I N G Review: The iPhone Game Kit Review: Bryce 7 Pro-Programming: Learning iOS Game Programming
▽Linux for PlayStation 2 Community: Home ●10/09 10:40 We expect the archive to be posted here by the end of November 2010. Please check back then if you are interested in the archive.
▽「テレビゲームの展覧会レベルX」トップページ ●02/07 21:33 Gone The requested resource /level-x/index.html is no longer available on this server and there is no forwarding address.Please remove all references to this resource.