Cry’s Antennaid:Cryolite 8/15ページ ▽ Lambda the Ultimate | Programming Languages Weblog ●03/07 06:13 Platonic C# - Managing Referential Transparency through Unique TypesThe idea of Platonic C# is to enforce referential transparency within the context of C#, by enforcing a set of rules around defaulting to immutability of data structures and requiring uniqueness of instances of mutable types. ▽ 生駒日記 ●02/16 16:31 ▼ ▶20222022 / 122022 / 112022 / 102022 / 92022 / 82022 / 72022 / 62022 / 52022 / 42022 / 32022 / 22022 / 1▼ ▶20212021 / 122021 / 112021 / 102021 / 92021 / 82021 / 72021 / 62021 / 52021 / 42021 / 32021 / 22021 / 1▼ ▶20202020 / 122020 / 112020 / 102020 / 92020 / 82020 / 72020 / 62020 / 52020 / 42020 / 32020 / 22020 / 1▼ ▶20192019 / 122019 / 112019 / 102 ▽ ntnekの日記 ●02/14 14:40 ntnek 氏 ▼ ▶20132013 / 11▼ ▶20112011 / 3▼ ▶20102010 / 4▼ ▶20092009 / 62009 / 2▼ ▶20082008 / 122008 / 72008 / 62008 / 52008 / 32008 / 22008 / 1▼ ▶20072007 / 122007 / 112007 / 102007 / 92007 / 62007 / 52007 / 2▼ ▶20062006 / 42006 / 32006 / 22006 / 1▼ ▶20052005 / 122005 / 112005 / 82005 / 72005 / 62005 / 22005 / 1▼ ▶20042004 / 112004 / 62004 / 5 ▽ sumiiの日記 ●02/13 20:05 ▼ ▶20122012 / 10▼ ▶20112011 / 8▼ ▶20102010 / 22010 / 1▼ ▶20092009 / 112009 / 102009 / 92009 / 82009 / 72009 / 62009 / 52009 / 42009 / 32009 / 22009 / 1▼ ▶20082008 / 122008 / 112008 / 102008 / 92008 / 82008 / 72008 / 62008 / 52008 / 42008 / 32008 / 22008 / 1▼ ▶20072007 / 122007 / 112007 / 102007 / 92007 / 82007 / 72007 / 62007 / 52007 / 42007 / 32007 4.<前5 6.次5> 0.はてなアンテナトップ 8.このページを友達に紹介 9.このページの先頭へ □ヘルプ /お知らせ □ログイン □無料ユーザー登録 □はてなトップ (c) Hatena