▽Kurtz-Fernhout Software ●05/04 06:50 The StoryHarp Audioventure Authoring System supports interactive fiction development and conversational storytelling. You can now use it from your browser. As shown on Paul’s personal website,he is interested in a wide variety of topics including post-scarcity economics, sustainability, space habitats, F/OSS issues, and programming. You can contact Paul at pdfernhout at kurtz-fernhout.com .Includi
▽Welcome to JunkShop ●04/01 05:04 「Page ON」サービスは2015年2月28日をもちまして終了させていただきました。 長らくご愛顧を賜り、誠にありがとうございました。
▽Sry Extra ●10/22 18:03 Download更新:2010/10/22 Future Reference Exhibitionのバナー設置:2009/01/01-3DCGに1点追加:2008/10/10