▽Boost C++ Libraries ●01/20 11:50 Version 1.87.0 New Libraries: Parser Updated Libraries: Asio Atomic Beast Charconv Cobalt Compat Container Filesystem Flyweight Geometry Iterator Interprocess JSON, LexicalCast Log Math Move Mp11 Multiprecision MySQL PFR Process SmartPtr Stacktrace STLInterfaces Test Unordered URL UUID Wave December 12th, 2024 00:52 GMT
▽fox-toolkit.org ●01/08 08:59 Copyright 〓 1997-2021September 10 - FOX DEVELOPMENT 1.7.84(Redrop of this version due to file missing from manifest).New FXUndoList implementation. The new FXUndoList now supports an alternate history mode, i.e. it remembers redo-commandafter taking a different path. The internals of FXCommand have changed a bit, it now sports a reference count; for the most partthat does not affect any use
▽Code Beach - Free and Open Source Code and Tutorials ●05/27 05:20 For full functionality of this site it is necessary to enable JavaScript. Here are the instructions how to enable JavaScript in your web browser.