▽Convention on Biological Diversity ●12/29 05:33 // COP-16-R2 Second resumed session of the sixteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity// NP-MOP-05-R2 Second resumed session of the fifth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity serving as the meeting of the P...
▽Swedish forestr agency ●12/28 20:47 Debatt: ”V〓r tids strid om almar st〓r p〓 Gotland”Debattinl〓gg - 27 december 2024Om almen g〓r f〓rlorad 〓ven p〓 Gotland f〓rsvinner unika milj〓er f〓r alltid, tillsammans med ett sextiotal arter. D〓rf〓r beh〓vs resurser s〓kras upp f〓r bek〓mpningen innan det 〓r f〓r sent. Det skriver bland annat skogskonsulenterna Amanda Magnusson Overmark och Christoffer Ulfsparre vid Sk