▽Ladies of the Lake - A Greg Lake Tribute Site - Memorabilia, Rare Photos, Articles, Interviews, Reviews ●06/12 02:15 Ladies of the LakeRest in Peace, TWe are very sad to announce that our dear friend and fellow Lady of the Lake, Terry Knighten, has passed away. We will never forget her, and thank her for coming on this 23-year journey with us. Our condolences to her other friends and family. T, you were one of a kind.The future of the websiteSince Sir Gregory has passed on, and now T has gone and there is no
▽ProgressoR / Uzbekistan Progressive Rock Pages ●03/18 13:38 December 2006 | November | October | September | August | July | June | May | April | March | February | January | 2005 | 2004 |BANDS & PERFORMERS: RECORDING COMPANIES:24.XII+ Erik Norlander24.XII+ Fromuz24.XII+ Jeremy24.XII+ Day Shift24.XII+ Ghost Circus24.XII+ Knight Area24.XII+ Gongzilla3.XII+ Fromuz3.XII+ Bruce Main3.XII+ Pedal Giant Animals24.XII+ Unicorn Records24.XII+ Progrock