▽宮内庁:政府調達(WTO対象の一般競争入札及び指名競争入札)の公告(公示)について:平成21年度 ●09/08 20:44 政府調達(WTO対象の一般競争入札及び指名競争入札)の公告(公示)について システム停止日時令和3年9月8日(水)18:00〓9月9日(木)19:00(予定) Service Suspension Period:at 6:00 p.m JST on Wednesday September 8th - at 7:00 p.m JST on Thursday September 9th
▽海上保安庁調達情報 ●07/10 20:54 調達情報 (本庁入札情報) Not Acceptable 2016-06-23 22:36 Your access to this site has been blocked as your IP address was reported as malicious. If you are the owner of this website and wish to allow access from your IP, you can take following measures: 1. Whitelisting : Go to the settings page on your console : In the ’IP Control’ tab, add your IP record on the ’IP Whitelist’ - OR - 2. Report : Send an email to our suppo