▽Rajesh Rao’s Home Page ●06/23 03:08 BCI and Comp NeuroscienceRobotic LearningIndus scriptRajesh P. N. Rao is the CJ and Elizabeth Hwang Endowed Professor of Computer Science and Engineering and Electrical and Computer Engineering, co-Director of the NSF Center for Neurotechnology, Adjunct Professor in the ECE and BioE departments, and faculty member in the Neuroscience Graduate Program at the University of Washington
▽ Radford Neal’s Home Page ●03/28 13:25 A new paper (March 2024) on Modifying Gibbs Sampling to Avoid Self Transitions.Information in this hierarchy was last updated 2024-03-27.
▽ Zoubin Ghahramani ●10/05 20:32 MENUCBL HOMEGROUPSAHMADIAN DUDLEY GHAHRAMANI HENNEQUIN HERNANDEZ-LOBATO LENGYEL MANCINI RASMUSSEN TURNER GEPEOPLEVACANCIESCONTACTComputational and Biological Learning LabThe group uses engineering approaches to understand the brain and to develop artificial learning systems. Research includes Bayesian learning, computational neuroscience, statistical machine learning and sensorimotor contr
▽ Zoubin Ghahramani Papers Available ●10/05 13:13 MENUCBL HOMEGROUPSAHMADIAN DUDLEY GHAHRAMANI HENNEQUIN HERNANDEZ-LOBATO LENGYEL MANCINI RASMUSSEN TURNER GEPEOPLEVACANCIESCONTACTComputational and Biological Learning LabThe group uses engineering approaches to understand the brain and to develop artificial learning systems. Research includes Bayesian learning, computational neuroscience, statistical machine learning and sensorimotor contr