▽N.Geshi Japanese HP ●01/04 20:27 Recent Publications 2016-2020 ●大規模噴火研究の将来課題レビュー Geshi, N.(2020) Volcanological challenges to understanding explosive large-scale eruptions. Earth Planet Space, 72, 99. ●三宅島の供給岩脈からマグマ過剰圧と発泡度の見積もり Geshi, N., Browning, J., Kusumoto, S. (2020) Magmatic overpressures, volatile exsolution and potential explosivity of fissure eruptions inferred via dike aspect ratios. Scientific Reports, 10, 9406 ●姶良カルデラ
▽Fascination volcano! / decadevolcano.net ●12/07 06:13 〓 Site created and maintained by Tom Pfeiffer (e-mail: tpfeiffer@decadevolcano.net) page set up in 2002, last modified 19 February 2007.