▽+++ブラッドフォード大学平和学科留学体験記+++ ●02/13 23:52 You Don’t Make Peace By Talking To Your Friends; You Have to Make Peace With Your Enemies. +++ブラッドフォード大学平和学科留学体験記+++ Study@Dept. of Peace Studies, Univ. of Bradford, UK language : Japanese Internet Explorer6.0 1024×768 Since Nov.2003 Update: 2004-07-05 MY PROFILE | PREP| UNIVERSITY | STUDY | LIFE | COLUMN | GALLERY DIARY | THINKING! | AFTERWARD| FYR | BBS| LINK profile HN: peace_student job: BA St
▽9・11事件、そして持続可能な社会 ●11/16 18:38 Forbidden You don’t have permission to access /~ichiro.k/911andwar.html on this server. Additionally, a 403 Forbidden error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.