▽Sputnik International ●12/12 05:09 MilitaryNeither THAAD Nor Any Other Existing Air Defense System Can Stop Oreshnik – ExpertWhat is the Strategic Importance of Deir ez-Zor and Could It Cause New Kurdish-Syrian Conflict?TodayEconomySeizure of Frozen Russian Assets: Is EU Setting a Legal Trap for Euroclear?TodayWhat is the strategic importance of Deir ez-Zor and could it cause new Kurdish-Syrian conf...11 December, 19:15 GMT
▽Foreign Affairs ●12/12 04:01 How Turkey Won the Syrian Civil WarAssad’s Downfall Is a Boon for Erdogan—at Least for NowGonul TolThe Russian Economy Remains Putin’s Greatest WeaknessHarsher Sanctions Could Push Him to Negotiate With UkraineTheodore Bunzel and Elina RibakovaIndia Is Hoping for a Trump BumpModi Will Seek Greater Alignment With Washington—but More Autonomy, TooTanvi MadanA Last Chance to Prevent Nuclear
▽Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science « Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science ●12/12 02:13 Answering two questions, one about Bayesian post-selection inference and one about prior and posterior predictive checksPosted on December 11, 2024 9:29 AM by AndrewReplyRichard Artner writes:I have two questions. The first one is, of course, related to Bayesian post-selection inference (which I first asked you about five years ago. Back then, you admitted that Bayesians are not immune to over