▽ANNEX-DK ●09/14 17:56 Gone The requested resource / is no longer available on this server and there is no forwarding address.Please remove all references to this resource.
▽ブリテン砲兵工廠 落書き帳 ●05/09 06:38 Gone The requested resource /freetalk/ is no longer available on this server and there is no forwarding address.Please remove all references to this resource.
▽The ProFTPD Project ●12/30 20:56 There are two issues which have come to our attention, there is an additional flaw related to the ASCII translation bug discovered by X-Force, this affects all versions up to and including 1.2.9rc3. Versions from 1.2.9 are not vulnerable. Additionally a flaw in the CIDRACL code has been discovered which can lead to an escalation in access rights within the ftp site. This flaw affects all versions
▽chacho chatsumi nikki ●07/18 00:55 2004年07月17日 finding ideas on my way - hibernate It is diffiecult to use Hibernate as a session of Jboss. On my way of trials and errors, I found interesting ideas. JbossのセッションとしてHibernateを使うのに苦労しています。 試行錯誤の途中で、面白いアイデアを見つけました。 Continue reading ”finding ideas on my way - hibernate” Posted by ise at 22:45 | Comments (0) finding ideas on my way - hibernate