▽Roger Glover - the offical website ●12/29 00:08 The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom.- Isaac Asimov
▽HM/HRこの曲を聴け! ●12/28 11:15 ・Whatcha Do to My Body / Bodyrock /LEE AARON (2024-12-28 02:56:27)・愛撫と殺意の交差点 / Keisuke Kuwata /桑田佳祐 (2024-12-28 02:18:50)・War Dance / Valley of Tears /TANK (2024-12-27 18:33:16)
▽Candice Night Official Web Site ●12/13 02:46 Perfect Holiday Gifts Click Here!Click here to purchase your holiday soundtrack Winter Carols