▽Everything search engine for Windows ●08/04 03:28 Thursday, 1 August 2024: Version localization.Thursday, 1 August 2024: Version localization.
▽Download | IINA - The modern media player for macOS ●06/04 04:25 IINA1.3.5Released on 2024-05-31Release NoteSHA256:3b8b9199f41a18c2aa8b30e5824d0c9daccc1d59176832ea650f533fcbdc6a38How to verify the integrity of the downloaded file?Run the following command in Terminal and check if the output matches the SHA256 value above.You may need to replace the file path with the actual path of the downloaded file.shasum -a 256 ~/Downloads/IINA.v1.3.5.dmg1.3.4releas