▽ソーイングコミュニティ Rinrinka ●12/22 21:46 Tottori Sand Dunes, Umanose (Tottori Prefecture) 鳥取砂丘 馬の背(鳥取県2024年 12月 22日The dune is 47 meters high and has a maximum slope of 32 degrees.It is more powerful when seen from directly below.As I looked at it, I thought “Umanose is a mountain of sand.“There were many places where footprints continued all the way to the top.But we dared to take the route with no footprints.The strong winds tha
▽ニガババロア ●12/21 23:53 日常(その他) (743)December 2024(5)2024.12.20 Friday川にカモPosted by ニガババロア川にカモが並んでいました。水面は部分的に凍っていて冷たそう。でもカモ達は気分良さそうに見えます。トップダウンの簡単なウェア、袖に入りました~。うっかり身頃を編みすぎちゃって、予定していたより長い…長い方が暖かいから、まぁいいか!JUGEMテーマ:日記・一般
▽Ephemera ●12/21 15:42 Thursday, December 19, 2024Mom-Day at Finnerty Gardens in Sparkle, Chartreuse and WineWelcome back to Mom-Day Adventures, Gentle Reader! This will the last one of 2024 for the next couple of weeks we will be deep into Festivities of the Seasonal Sort.As it was a gloomy, damp and windy day, Mom suggested Finnerty Gardens at UVic, last visited here in July when we "followed the pink," and chose o