▽* ハイクオソフト * ●11/21 16:04 2018.11.20 さくらさくら 海外版(英語)が発売となりました OUT NOW ON STEAM! (日本国内からは購入頂けません)
▽みなとそふと トップページ ●10/14 03:25 Not Found The requested URL /index2.php was not found on this server. Apache Server at www.minatosoft.com Port 80
▽シルキーズホームページ ●10/10 04:37 success fail Feb MAR Aug 28 2012 2014 2015 193 captures 03 Jul 2006 - 29 Mar 2016 About this capture COLLECTED BY Organization: Internet Archive The Internet Archive discovers and captures web pages through many different web crawls.At any given time several distinct crawls are running, some for months, and some every day or longer.View the web archive through the Wayback Machine. Collection: Wide