▽Google Reader ●05/12 09:23 Skip to content Thank you for stopping by. Google Reader has been discontinued. We want to thank all our loyal fans. We understand you may not agree with this decision, but we hope you’ll come to love these alternatives as much as you loved Reader. Sincerely, The Google Reader team Frequently-asked questions What will happen to my Google Reader data? All Google Reader subscription data (eg. lists
▽Java News (Javaに関する最新ニュース) ●02/25 23:26 ■015.004.008 [ EVENT ] 4月8日 Java Day Tokyo 2015 開催! http://www.oracle.co.jp/jdt2015/ [ BROWSER ] Firefoxのページめくりを加速さ-http://journal.mycom.co.jp/news/2010/02/02/007/index.html
▽diary ●09/30 13:16 Gone The requested resource /satoyasue/diary.html is no longer available on this server and there is no forwarding address.Please remove all references to this resource.